Winning Entries

District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
District 1
Samueli Academy, Santa Ana, IAmNot, IAmNot
XPurpose: To encourage people not to label other people based on how they look; essentially, not to stereotype people and discriminate based on the label they assign to that person. Main Tagline/Slogan: I Am Not Ex. I am not an immigrant I am not the “Chinese virus” I am not a terrorist I am not a sin I am not a stereotype
District 2
Los Alamitos High, Los Alamitos, Griffin News, Empathy Not Judgement – No Stigma
XLos Alamitos High School had some students out on quarantine. Before these students returned, we wanted to inform our student body that these students did nothing wrong. We wanted to promote empathy, not judgement. We wanted to welcome them back, not isolate them.
District 3
Woodbridge High, Irvine, Team Chloe Wang, Future by Us
The waves at the bottom of the art piece symbolize the racial bias, hate, and discrimination that are existing in our current society. Incited by pandemics, the challenges of racial justice lie in not only the discrimination but also the deliberate system that results in unfair treatment and inequitable opportunities. Yet, after witnessing the injustice treatment of certain races, so many equality advocates, hold their arms up, strive to improve this society until everyone's voice could be heard. Ultimately, the peace represented by the flying dove will arrive in no time. People of all colors and races should unite and treat each other with trust and mutual respect for our shared bright future.
District 4
Western High, Anaheim, Western High School Commercial Dance, The Message Behind the Mask
XOne voice is strong, but many voices are powerful. Our voices together give a stronger message because we all have different experiences and perspectives. We hope that this video can encourage others to make a difference no matter how big or small. Together we want to bring awareness to social injustices and encourage others to share the message behind their masks.
District 5
San Juan Hills High, San Juan Capistrano, SJHHS BRIDGES, The Truth Around Us
We hope to see everything good in our society-- the diversity, the culture, the community service, and the people, but even amidst the inspirational positivity, we lose sight of an underlying reality. Our society has been constantly presenting discriminatory obstacles for those most vulnerable. But regardless of our gender, our sexual orientation, our race or ethnicity, and our status in society, we are all human and we are all together. We have been facing a global crisis for months, yet the movements to fight for equality, the efforts for inclusivity, and our motivation to promote a safer anti-discriminatory environment have never been more prevalent. While we remain with masks on and 6 feet apart to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we hope to shed light to an issue that has lived on for far too long. So instead of dividing us further, let’s build the bridges that can connect us despite our differences; let’s fight against the racial prejudice that harms us; let us become the voice of change that encompasses the message of unity we want to see in our society because the only unjust virus is discrimination.