District 1

Purpose: To encourage people not to label other people based…

to inform

PAcific Islander + COVID information

Pacific islander knowledge

to know better and do better

No discrimination against Pacific Islanders

to teach others

About API people

The discriminatory race is more harmful than any other race.…

I would like to let you know that the main…

Acknowledgement is better than Ignorance

During such a difficult time, we rise together to fight…

During such a difficult time, we rise together to fight…

Do your part. Do better.

We all have red blood, because we are all children…

We will get through this together.

To teach young adults how to treat others the way…

Harassing and treating people differently because they are Asian is…

Spreading awareness so that those who are affected don't feel…

Let's rise together! We know better than this. We all…

I created this custom art piece showing a teary-eyed male…

We deserve better than this, I know We can do…

Let's rise together! We know better than this. We all…

API knowledge

API education

Don't discriminate

no racism

No Racism amongst API

API Information

Do not discriminate

knowledge is power

so much of our time is taken up by judging…

Do the right thing and wear your mask and social…

This pandemic is making our lives rougher each day especially…

We are all united as a human race in this…

Educate kids + adults

educate on API population + discrimination

Covid-19 isn't going anywhere if we don't try to go…

My campaign is to express the concern of coronavirus and…

The mask is to help you want to and know…

Homophobia is wrong. Self expression is key, dress codes don’t…

District 2

Racism is NOT patriotism! Compliance with science!

We stand together as a community, ready to use our…

Everyone should have equal access to healthcare, no matter their…

Los Alamitos High School had some students out on quarantine.…

District 3

The waves at the bottom of the art piece symbolize…

Spread Positivity towards Others, don’t spread hate with something we…

Spread Positivity towards Others, don’t spread hate with something we…

Say Something to Stop the Hate

End Hate

Coronavirius is not the fault of just one race.

Hate is not acceptable. Our communities would be so much…

Always be kind.

Love All.

There are ways to be happy with your friends without…

Fake news is just not true.

The virus does not have a race.

We need to stop blaming people for things they have…

It is important to spread kindness all around the world…

we want every American to be together supporting each other…


Racism is not something anyone should experience

District 4

Our campaign is representing equality, and anti-hate. We want to…

Our campaign first educates people of how racism and discrimination…

We all want to just spread a positive message and…

We are all humans no matter what, no matter the…

We want to show that we should have more tolerance…

Fight the virus, not the people. Together, we can achieve…

One voice is strong, but many voices are powerful. Our…

We hope our message inspires you to go out on…

Use your voice! Your voice is more powerful than you…

We're all in the same crew, headed off into a…

Pets don't discriminate against the color of your skin or…

I’d like to enter my song “Medical War” into the…

Our video was created to show people what really is…

Bring the community together instead of dividing us furthermore in…

Bringing attention to the pandemic and keeping people safe.

In 2020, we are told to take care of ourselves…

Commiting any hatecrime, isn't a fun time.

Racism Doesn't Cure COVID-19

This T-shirt we designed is to express the fact that…

"We hope our infographic reaches many people and is used…

Racism is a deeper division within culture, far older than…

A virus is not political, discriminating, or judgmental. Why worsen…

As a group, we decided to talk about different ways…

our campaign is not only to show you can have…

We wanted our shirt to display what we stand for.…

To inform people how to deal with the pandemic in…

Our campaign is to bring awareness to racism towards Asian-Americans…

District 5

The need to blame fuels a racist flame.

Our video is an expression of dedication and support of…

Racism may be a part of today's society but at…

The virus should not be about race or color. We…

Together we can unite and create a world of peace.…

We hope to see everything good in our society-- the…

Creating change in our communities can only be possible when…

Our campaign highlights the importance of unity and education in…

Racism and discrimination have always been a problem for society.…

Orange County and the world needs to stop its discrimination…

We shouldn't need motivation to stop discrimination!! Racism shouldn't be…

To achieve happiness and equality for all, the elderly, high-risk,…